Embracing Progression with Joy

Motherhood and Progression is for Latter-Day Saint mothers struggling with church cultural pressures to always be available to their children. Such messages limit mothers’ progression, and add to guilt and burnout. They also can lead to imbalanced relationships with children that limit their self-reliance, agency and progression. Combining ideas from family therapy and Latter-Day Saint teachings, Motherhood and Progression aims to deconstruct limiting cultural messages, helping mothers to embrace their spiritual progression with joy, find more balanced relationships with their children, and support their children’s healthy development.

About Me

I am a Latter-Day Saint mother and a licensed marriage and family therapist. I created Motherhood and Progression because I have personally struggled with church cultural pressure to sacrifice my progression which led to personal suffering and imbalanced relationships with my children. My journey of healing has included receiving answers to prayer that have helped me to learn new truths.

These truths have helped me to better discern truth from error and come to see things more clearly. I hope to share what I have learned to help others find greater balance in motherhood and confidently embrace their progression with joy. I’ll do so by integrating both scientific knowledge and truths found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I believe this can help mothers let go of limiting cultural messages and discover balance, freedom, and joy in motherhood.

Professional Experience


Miller, E. A. (2023). The Attachment Versus Differentiation Debate: Bringing the Conversation to Parent–Child Relationships. Family Process, 62, 483–498. https://doi.org/10.1111/famp.12802

Miller, E. A. and Elder, C. (2024). Balanced Parenting: Proposing a Differentiation-Based Parenting Approach Informed by Bowen Family Systems Theory. Family Process, 10.1111/famp.13092. In Production

Professional Licences

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (Kansas)


2021-2023: Master of Science in Family Therapy, Friends University (Wichita, KS)

2019-2021: Master of Science in Human Development and Family Science, University of Nevada Reno